
Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation

On May 17th, 2007, Princess Margaret held a $1,000 a plate “Boss Benefit” fundraiser for 500 elite guests at a breathtaking Toronto estate. The challenge? The beautifully-landscaped property had non-removable 12’ high antique lamps, our cranes could not fit through the gates to the backyard, and concrete weights, each weighing 2 tonnes, would need to be transported to the site of the tent without damaging the meticulously manicured lawn. It required great ingenuity to overcome these challenges. Regal gained permission from the neighboring estate to use the shared fence to bring in all equipment, we then built an engineer approved raised roadway that allowed us to transport the weights by crane to the site without damaging the grass, and we used our proprietary 13’ side legs to soar above the garden fixtures. The sit-down dinner, Hugo Boss fashion show and John Legend concert were held under a multi-functional 7,000 square-foot tent in the back yard of the residence. Not one guest was aware of the many challenges we faced up until the 11th hour!

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