Chronicling Our Adventure in Calgary

Chronicling Our Adventure in Calgary

A few weeks back a team of Regal Tent staff flew out to Calgary, Alberta to put up one of our 50m wide tent structures for an event down by Calgary’s Stampede grounds. We do this event every year, so everything was confidently planned during this year’s prep phase.

About a few weeks before our departure up there, we had arranged for a few third-party freight trucks to drive across Canada and deliver the larger tent pieces to the job site in Calgary so that it would be waiting and ready for our crew when they arrived there.

When the crew got to Calgary, everything seemed to be going as planned to schedule and it looked like smooth sailing ahead. That all would change however a few hours later when we were told one of the four trucks scheduled to arrive in Calgary was delayed. It was stopped 3 provinces away in Kenora, Ontario.

Initially this wouldn’t have been a problem as other things could have been done on site while waiting for the truck to arrive. But the very truck that was delayed was the very truck that had all of the main pieces needed in order to even start the project! It was supposed to be the first truck to arrive and now it was the last.

After many phone calls, emails, and conversations the only logical and feasible option we had was to wait for the truck to arrive. So wait we did. And eventually, about four and a half days later, it would finally arrive in Calgary.

So now that it was there, what we all knew was coming would finally hit us. We had about 2 days to install what was initially supposed to be a 7 day project. The question was, was there any way we could get this done on time? The answer turned out to be yes.

After 48 hours our crew had built, stood, and covered a 50m x 110m structure that took up roughly 61,000 square feet of space. This wasn’t no picnic in the park. We had people standing frame, pulling roof panels, installing floor and hanging lights all at the same time. It really is incredible what can be accomplished when you organize, communicate, and work seamlessly together.

Special thanks to our Calgary crew and everyone else involved in helping us accomplish what looked close to being impossible.


DMG 32 hours 45 hours


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